08/18 Sermon Title: The Lord’s Prayer – Pray then like this Matthew 6:9-10

Jesus gave us the Lord’s prayer to show us how to pray unto the Father. In Romans 8:26, Paul explains that we don’t what to pray for as we should. As you read the first sentence of the Lord’s prayer, you can realize that the Lord is our Father. He is not an abstract God distant from us like gods are presented in false religions. As Christians, we are certain who we are praying to and have confidence that the Lord hears the prayers of his children. Because he hears our prayers, we should be careful how we pray. God is almighty. When we understand this well and trust him as our Father of love, we can come to him with anything we need prayer for.

We also recognize that the Lord is a Holy God from the Lord’s prayer. He is without sin and hates it. We should worship him as the one true God and acknowledge him in all of our ways. Romans 1:19 explains that God has enabled us to know he exists through creation. Unfortunately, many persist in their godlessness, which will only lead to their judgment from God. So even as we pray, we must acknowledge and revere the Lord for who he is. He is the one who gave us life and made a way for us to be saved from eternal damnation.

The Lord’s prayer also indicates that the people of God should seek and pray for the coming of God’s kingdom. The Lord’s prayer says two things about the purpose of the Christian’s life: 1. To reveal the glory of God 2. To make His name Holy. If we forget these two goals, then we can lose our way. We must remember that we will have to face judgment after we die, so we should live lives that are pleasing to God. We please God, devoting ourselves to building his kingdom. If we seek his righteousness first, he will supply our needs.